Upcoming Turkey Hunt in April

Hello hunting fans, its been a while, but I have something to report.

I recently won an ebay auction for a Turkey hunt in Lufkin, TX. The man who sold me the hunt is allowing me to bring a guest for free, who is allowed to hunt and shoot with me. We are going to be hunting on 3000 acres of piney woods Texas. Prime habitat for the Eastern gobbler, and maybe a Rio if we are lucky, but I think we are a little too far east to get any Rio action.

Anyway, I am pumped, and my cousin Tom will be joining me on this adventure. We are allowed to shoot a gobbler each and 2 hogs. So, I guess that means I need to pack some slugs or buckshot for the hogs just in case...

My uncle suggested going out to the National Wild Turkey Federation web site to brush up on my calling skills, and I think it will help our success immensely. I have all the calls, decoys, camouflage, and XXX Full choke tube. All I need now is the tom to walk out!


Texan said…
Hey bro, I was on the website listening to the calls and my dog was freaking out....it was kind of funny. The sad part is the turkeys are 5 times bigger than he is!!!!
FrankFlannery said…
Hope you are still practicing!!!

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