Deer Lease, setup

A good friend of mine has been on a deer lease in Willis for a couple of years, which is all of 25 minutes from my house.  Well, he called me this year and said ther were some openings.  It is close and economically friendly, so I am was definitely in!  :)

I have access to about 350-400 acres and can put up 2 or 3 blinds.  THis season I don't have a 4 wheeler, so I am stuck walking to/from the blind.  As my lay of the land would not be conducsive to a LONG walk, I have a nice spot a couple hundred yards from the gate.  I put out a feeder, a tripod, and a game camera.  Attached are some pics of the layout.

I went out to the lease this afternoon to get the weeks pictures.  There were only 17 pictures on the camera, and the camera quality is below average in my opinion.  Anyway, some hogs, a 5 or 6 point young buck, a couple of does, and a HUGE boar.

Its gonna be a good season.  Next year, a bow perhaps???


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