Post season scouting...

Been out to the lease to do some post-season scouting, checking the cameras and feeders.  I put out a new Bushnell Trophy Cam Bone Collector edition.  It was on sale at Gander Mountain and i had a gift card, so I picked it up.  It is real small, very nice and easy.  I moved the Wildgame Innovations camera back to my front field where my tripod is to see what still coming up there.  That feeder is getting wiped out, so I know there is still action there.

While out there, my buddy Mark, his friend Lewis and I were walking around, Mark found his first antler shed!  Pretty darn cool.  It was still damp on the end.  Picture below, it was one of the medium sized 8pts that will likely be outside the ears next year (I hope!).

I got home and reviewed my camera videos and found some real nice videos of the dominant buck in the area.  He slipped through the cracks this year, but he should be even better next year.  Hope we have some good rain to produce a solid acorn crop to feed these guys.  The bucks have definitely formed bachelor groups already, as there are videos of like 7 or 8 bucks at a time at the feeder and no does around.

We still are seeing the same 2 big hogs out there on film, so Mark and I plan to head out there a few times in February to try to rid ourselves of that problem.  We have been discussing putting together a trap/pen to catch them in.  Either way, we need to get rid of these bigger pigs.

Already looking forward to NEXT season!


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