Food plot is set for the season and new blind is ready!

Alright, we are 4 weeks from opening day of rifle season here in Texas, and I have everything ready.  I went out to the lease on Sunday afternoon during the first major rain in over 6 months!  Finally got my Polaris "muddy".

On Friday, my buddy Mark and his friend Gary took a tractor and brush hog and cut down my field at a finishing cut length, which looked fantastic.  On Sunday, when I got there I took my new harrow, dragged it over the field with the needles down to really scratch the wet, muddy dirt/sand mixture.  It was a lot muddier than I thought.  I believed it was primarily sand, but the amount of soil is quite surprising and a pleasant one at that.  After that it was seeding time.  I used the Whitetail Institute - Imperial Whitetail Extreme seed and that covered half of my field.  The other half I covered with Evolved Harvest Throw & Grow.  Both of these I picked up at Gander Mountain.  Now it was time to fertilize.  I picked up a lime/fertilizer mixture from Gander made by Biologic but I can't remember the exact name.  I spread this over both sides of the field.  Lastly, I flipped over the harrow to smooth the field and ensure the seeds had a solid contact with the ground.  All the while the rain continued to fall.  It was more of a heavy drizzle at this point, which helped quite a bit. 

For the seed, I was using a hand spreader, but for the fertilizer I used a Scotts Speedygreen spreader... this basically sucked and justified a future purchase of a 4-wheeler spreader or something... 

The end results:

In this last picture, you can see my new Shadow Hunter 4x6 2-man blind.  This thing is awesome.  I can't wait to take the kids with me to see "what happens".

Now, let's just make time pass quicker!!!


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