Deer season ended with a bang

Sorry I am so late on this post, but nevertheless here it is...

My brother and I sat in the stand on Saturday morning for the final weekend of black powder season in our neck of Texas.  As my brother doesn't currently own a black powder rifle, he was borrowing one of my very generous friends Thompson Center Omega with open sights.

We had agreed beforehand that we wanted to take a single doe (or my brother would take a legal buck if the opportunity presented itself).  So, the first one to have an opportunity would shoot and we'd be done. 

Well, we got to the lease around 5:45am, and it was a brisk 30 degrees, that quickly dropped to 26 degrees at sunrise (according to  I didn't see a single thing all morning, but my brother was surrounded by action.  He had 2 small 4 points eating under the feeder for about 45 minutes, including a bit of sparring.  They eventually moved on, and around 7:30am some does came out.  My brother decided to take a shot at the biggest doe that had come out.  The shot was about 80 yds, and with the smoke and steam it took an eternity to see the outcome.  I heard the shot and immediately texted him to confirm it was his.  He replied "Yep!".  So, since we had agreed we were done after the shot, I called him.  I asked if it was lying there, and he said he couldn't tell, but he thinks it ran off.  I told him to come pick me up on the 4-wheeler and we'd go give it look.  We looked for 30-45 minutes without finding a drop of blood, or a spec of hair. 

Conclusion:  he missed.  Open sights, black powder, gun he had never fired.  No harm there, but wish he'd have gotten it.

Either way, it was a beautiful final morning, and I got to spend it with my brother.  Can't wait for my kids to grow up and be able to start hunting with me!


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