Raccoons, time to take some action in the offseason

The last 2 years on the lease have seen time and time again tons of raccoons making off with our corn and tearing up our feeders.  Its time to start a predator management plan.

We are targeting:
  • Raccoons by trapping only
  • Possums by trapping only
  • Coyotes by calling, stand hunting, and trapping
  • Hogs by hunting and pen trapping (not a varmint, but still trying to rid them)
To begin this plan, last year we started by building a hog pen/trap, and have yet to have any success, and I believe a major part of that is due to the gate design.  Plainly, it was a custom job by a friend of my buddy and doesn't stay closed.  Its heavy duty, but the closing mechanism needs to re-engineering.  The door rebounds when the springs close the door, and the pigs have gotten out each time.

This year, I am focusing less on the pigs, and more on the smaller predators and varmints, primarily raccoons (pictured above).  I purchased 8 Duke DP Coon Traps.  I will bait 2 or 3 around each feeder and check them daily for about a week and see what we get.  I will do this 2 or 3 times throughout the season to ensure we throttle down the population.

I was watching a couple of YouTube videos from Toxie Givens of the Reality Hunt club, and he is baiting these same style traps with marshmallows and dog food.  I plan to do the same thing and give it a go.

I will post my progress! 


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