Moultrie M-80 photos from preseason

I put my Moultrie M-80 game cameras out a few weeks ago to start pre-season scouting.  I went this past weekend to go see what is in the area, and scout the land a bit, prior to putting in my food plot and filling up feeders.

Here is what we have so far.
  • 2 does
  • 1 hog
  • 1 snake

I filled the feeders with corn, and now its now time for serious planning to begin prepping the plot.  The plow decision is still yet to be made, but I am now HEAVILY leaning to the Groundhog MAX for the following reasons:  Cost/Convenience/Maneuverability.  I reset the cameras now that corn is in them, and will check them next weekend to see what has found the corn.  I intend to have my plow in place, and ready to start plot preparation by getting the weeds knocked down, turf chewed up, and seed bed prepped.  Then, I'll come back and plow again, throw seed/fertilizer, and get that going.  Finally, PRAY FOR RAIN!!!

The season can't get here fast enough!


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