Are you a bow hunter? Affirmative.

Guess who bought a bow?  That's right, I did.  I have been chatting up a few of my friends (Mark, Aaron, and Paul)  for almost 2 years now, and finally they have broken me down.  I bought a Mission Venture (by Matthews).  I will get into all of the setup later, but I can tell you it is a TON of fun to shoot!  I haven't shot a bow in over 15 years, and this was as easy as can be to get started.  Now, accuracy to hit the bulls-eye is something that will take refinement, but just shooting is a treat.

I went to Bowzone in Spring and was working with Richard.  This guy knows his stuff!  He matched me to my bow, and I got the kit that comes with a quiver, Tru-glo site, stabilizer, and upgraded to a fall away arrow rest.  Beman ICS Hunter arrows to round it out.  I am likely going to go with a fixed blade broadhead, probably the 100-gr Muzzy 3-blade.  I haven't bought a release or case yet, but I was practicing with a Scot release, and liked it a lot.

So, here it is, enjoy.  I hope to get out this season and use it, otherwise I will practice until next year!

Oh yeah, IT'S LEFT-HANDED!!!!


Unknown said…
Your bow looks great, Frank! How is its performance precision-wise though? I usually tag along with my husband and his buddies when they go out on hunting trips. He bought me a fully upgraded Ruger M44, so that I could hunt with them. The rifle is living up to my expectations; so to return the favor, I’ll surprise him with a good hunting bow on our anniversary. I hope he likes it! :)

Kisha Kitchens
FrankFlannery said…
Thanks, Kisha! It is very accurate and very easy to shoot. It didn't take long to get comfortable with this bow. It is well balanced, and has all the accessories to take straight to the field. I like that it wasn't a heavy bow also, which helps maintain a steady look. I highly recommend it. I need to practice more of course to improve my longer range shooting, but I was lethal to 20 yds on my first day with the bow.

And, congrats on your anniversary. I am sure he won't be disappointed with a new bow!

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