Thanksgiving Goose hunt 2012

Had a fun hunt on our annual post Thanksgiving shootout!  Not as many birds in the area, perhaps because it wasn't cool enough yet.  We still took 5 geese and totally whiffed on an 8-pack of pintail and only took 1 of them.  So, 6 birds in total. 

Interesting about the pintails, there were 8 of them.  It was about 9am, sunny, and partly cloudy with a mild front moving in.  The stubble wheat field was DRY as a bone, and they came in locked & committed without any calling.  Our guide was calling in some specks at the time, so possibly they keyed on  that, but still, they sat right on us.

We love hunting with Ryan and Butch from Butch's Guide Service, but anyone know of some good guides down in the Eagle Lake, Garwood, El Campo, etc???  We have had a few slow years, and looking at other potential operations for guides. 


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