Climbing Treestands...

I don't think I mentioned this before, but I got my Summit Viper X5 climbing treestand for Christmas from my wife and mother. I have assembled it, and gotten everything ready, and can't wait to use it this coming season when I get on my first lease as an independent hunter.

All of my hunts in the past have been with someone, family or friend. Partly, due to my confidence in being able to clean and prepare any game that I harvest. This season alone I have harvested and cleaned a few deer with little or no help. Its not hard, but it does take practice. So, I have enough confidence to go out on my own.

Back to the stand, it is a piece of work, and VERY light! It is a cable climber, as opposed to the old blade style that really damaged the tree (however, I have used one of the old blade styles before a long time ago, and that thing wasn't slidin off that tree, not so sure about the cable).

Side note: The Summit stand came with a DVD to watch how to assemble and use the stand. It is the biggest CYA movie... They mention about 100000 times how you should use the safety harness. I am ok with this, but they make so much a point of it, it almost ruined my excitement for the stand. But alas, I will wear the harness, but not he one provided.

I will get up and running on the stand and practice climbing in it, and will post a few photos. Very much looking forward to the mobility it will offer as I find tracks and rubs and position myself to be successful! We'll see!


Anonymous said…
Keep us posted on the climber. i have been looking for a good one my self. You got to expect the maufacture to go nuts over the safety harness, Remember in this day and age you can sue them even if you are the one who did somthing stupid.
FrankFlannery said…
SGT, the climber is AWESOME! The only thing that is a pain in the butt is the factory safety harness... I think I am going to get the vest style with the "click" mechanism. I am sure you have seen the commercial for it on OLN or the Men's Channel (if you have satellite). Gander Mountain carries it (expensive as hell at $99, but maybe for my birthday or something). Meant to take pictures, but I was the only one there! Will get some pics soon.

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