Fishing success!

Well, I am back from Florida, and we had a wonderful Chrismas and New Years. Pretty moderate temperatures ranging from 50's to 70's. Quite nice!

We went fishing on Tuesday the 27th. We used a guide named Buddy Dortch out of Panama City Beach, FL and he is awesome! We used him this summer to get on some snapper, grouper, and mackerel and he was great! He also has an 18' skiff that he took us into the bay this year.

So we head out of PCB and make our way across St. Andrews Bay. There is an electric plant discharge that puts warm water back into the bay system, and naturally its warmer and the fish flock to the area. It was catch and release in this area, but man, it was worth it! We were using a red jig head with a white plastic grub tail. We caught 50+ trout in less than an hour! I saw several large sting rays in less than a 2 feet of water. It was quite a catching experience (which is what we were paying for). After the catching frenzy, we headed out to places where we could keep the catch. After trying a few other places, we ended the day with 1 nice trout caught by my father-in-law and a real nice slot red caught by my mother-in-law! I have a pic of my FIL with the trout (will post it tomorrow).

Hope all had a wonderful holidays. I am back now, and posting again :)


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