Turkey hunt around the corner!!!

Hey all, I know it has been a while, but my family has been dealing with some very serious issues. It involves cancer, and that is all I really want to say about it.

Anyway, enough apologies... I am excited about my upcoming turkey hunt! I need to get out in the woods and breathe some woodland air.

I have been practicing my box call, slate call, and started tinkering with the reed call. I just don't have confidence in those reed calls yet. I can't consistently get the sound I want. I can't purr yet with it either. Granted, I honestly haven't worked on it as much as I should have before heading into the woods, and it would free up my hands for my other gear and whatnot, but confidence is a huge issue in the woods.

My cousin Tom has been practicing his reeds, too, and I am counting on him bringin me a big ol' bird!

If anyone has advice on the the reed calls... other than practice, practice, practice! Please let me know!


FrankFlannery said…
Looks like it could be rainy next weekend... but that also means not as many skeeters!
Texan said…
no promises from the reed call on my side. But what the heck we will try it.

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