Public lottery hunt... planning phase.

My cousin Tom and I are going on a public land deer hunt here in Texas in early January (9-11). We are preparing now, as we will be hunting in unfamiliar territory. We'll be hunting the Lake Houston State Park, which is just northest of Houston about 45 minutes to an hour.

Over the next couple of weeks I'll be blogging about our preparation.

So, right now we are discussing which weapon to use (rifle or shotgun). I think when we go scouting, we will see what the terrain is looking like. If the shot is less than 50 yards and heavy pine tress abound, shotgun for sure (this is most likely). Otherwise, I'll be using the trusty 30/30 my uncle gave me a few years ago. Either way, I am pumped. Nothing better than getting out in the woods to scout.

I am hoping to get this climber tree stand for Christmas that I can use, otherwise I'll be sitting at the base of a tree and keeping the eyes peeled.


FrankFlannery said…
Change of plans, centerfile rifles only for the hunt, and the blinds are assigned by the park ranger. I still want to go scout the area and see what we are up against. If I only have 3 days to hunt, I want to maximize my potential to bag a deer. Its also for a spike/doe, not a buck.
Anonymous said…
I know you said you have to use rifles. But do not underestimate the your shot gun. If you have a good slug barrel 100 yards is well within range.
BZ said…
My coworker's husband just bought a tree stand from Bass Pro and loves it!
Anonymous said…
I look forward to that hunt. Has Chris posted anything yet about the goose hunt on Jesse's
FrankFlannery said…
SGT, wow, a 100yds! I would be afraid to let a slug loose at that range, but 50-60 yds I would. I shot a doe during a dog run 2 or 3 years ago with 00" Buck shot at about 40 yds, stopped her in her tracks.

BZ, what kinda tree stand was it from BassPro? I think I want the Summit Viper X5, from Cabelas.

Tom, nothing yet from Chris, he says he has the article done. Will post a link to it here when he gets that up and running.

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