Goin' fishin for the holidays.

I, my wife, my baby, and her family are heading to their condo near Panama City Beach, FL for the week after Christmas. Its a gulf-front property, and truly beautiful! I will hopefully be busy catching some whiting, pompano, and the occasional red that lingers on past while fishing from the surf! I caught my first Florida Pompano this past summer, and I tell you what, those little boogers can fight! Beautiful looking fish, too! This time, I have the camera rigged up and ready. I also caught a fish called an Oyster Toad... the ugliest, meanest looking rock fish you ever saw. Had jaws and teeth that I wouldn't mess with. It was only about 14" long, but had the attitude of a great white!

When I get back, my public lands hunt at Lake Houston State Park is the following weekend/week (Jan 9-11). Now, the rules are as follows. They have blinds/areas pre-set that get determined the opening morning of the hunt by first come/first serve basis. Centerfile rifles only, and you are allowed to bait. We can each take 2 does/spikes as well as any feral hogs we see. Because I am quite certain they don't have "real" blinds, I am going with the scentlock approach. I don't think my cousin has ever shot a deer, and I want him badly to get a shot this year.

Wish me luck!


Anonymous said…
Good luck fishing. We are just geting started with "hard water" fishing up here. i have not been out yet, I stay off the ice untill I know that it is thick enough to support my weight.
I tried a State Park hunt up here a few years back, didnt much care for it. There were hidden fees and they regulated the crap out of it. I checked on the regs early and so spent several days scouting the area I was going to be allowed to hunt. I did fill my tag. The poor guys who showed up on opening morning were surprised. out of 47 tags issued only 7 were filled, and two of them were discovered to be in violation of the special rules. hope your hunt is set up better.

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