A quick note on being a professional guide...

Ever since I got actively involved in the outdoors, I have wanted to be a guide. To be in the outdoors on a day-to-day basis, and hunt and help others hunt and learn, really motivates me. However, I grew up a city boy, and don't know anyone with a farm or land on which I can hunt freely... Kinda puts a damper on my spirits. The more I work and meet people, the more I have gained some excellent relationships with friends who also hunt and have a passion for the outdoors. My ultimate goal is to buy some land (100-200 acres) and have a place to hunt on my own.

To be a guide however may not be that far fetched... This morning, I was reading the Houston Chronicle Outdoors section and came across this article (http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/outdoors/pike/3501220.html). It talks about this guy who started a vocational school here in Texas (originally out of Colorad0) for training people to be a professional whitetail guide! I am considering it, but now that it is really an option, don't know if I have the courage to make the jump! I need time to seriously consider it, but it sounds very promising. They also provide job location services! Amazing.

More on this later, but I really like the sound of the course (not so much the $3500 price tag, but it'd be worth it in the long run).


Anonymous said…
guiding may be great but I would rather be the hunter. Don't let your passion get in the way of your fun.
FrankFlannery said…
Most of the guides I have talked to and/or hunted with do a lot of hunting as well. But, there is the potential for burnout there... still pondering. Not sure I am going to take that leap.

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