3 Hunts, 7 Kills this year.
Dear despondent readers, my lack of posting has driven you away, and I apologize. So much going on these days, that I forget to post. Actually, I spend more of my "spare" time reading other bloggers instead of maintaining my own! Anyway, I have been on 3 excellent hunts this year, and come away with plenty of game.
The first was 2nd week of deer season (rifle) in Texas, and my father-in-law (FNL) and I went back to Llano. I shot a nice 9-pt with real tall tines, a doe, and 2 hogs. My FNL shot a real nice 8-pter as well. It was perfect Texas November weather 45-60 degrees, and the rut was FULL ON! I got some great video of 2 bucks rattling antlers. It was awesome.

The next hunt was at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge just oustide of Austwell, TX. My cousin and I went and did everything we could to setup in prime deer country... its a public hunt, you go out and scout, find your place, put up your tripod or whatever, and you hunt for 2 days. We were in a sweet spot. As hard as we tried to get my cousin his first deer, a spike came out in front of me instead, and I drilled it.
The first was 2nd week of deer season (rifle) in Texas, and my father-in-law (FNL) and I went back to Llano. I shot a nice 9-pt with real tall tines, a doe, and 2 hogs. My FNL shot a real nice 8-pter as well. It was perfect Texas November weather 45-60 degrees, and the rut was FULL ON! I got some great video of 2 bucks rattling antlers. It was awesome.

The next hunt was at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge just oustide of Austwell, TX. My cousin and I went and did everything we could to setup in prime deer country... its a public hunt, you go out and scout, find your place, put up your tripod or whatever, and you hunt for 2 days. We were in a sweet spot. As hard as we tried to get my cousin his first deer, a spike came out in front of me instead, and I drilled it.
The most recent hunt was last weekend, Dec 14-16th at a friend of my FNLs ranch just north of Baton Rouge, LA. Nobody had seen anything all weekend. The last morning of our hunt, I saw a little 5-pt and a doe, and managed to get both, the 5pt at 70-80 yds, and the doe at almost 200 yds. The doe ran after I shot the spike, but came back out 30 minutes later.