Another big hog, and the deer are looking healthier

I have been feeding all year round.  I was feeding twice a day during the rifle season last year, and switched to just a morning drop for the rest of the year.  In the next couple of weeks, sometime in early October, I'll change the timers on to add the second (evening) feed session, but for now I just have the feeders running at daybreak.  From the looks of the pictures on the camera, the deer are looking much better than before, and there are even a few fawns in the pics.
2 does and a fawn
Doe and a fawn
On my other camera is a big black hog.  This one is different from the hog that has the white patches on it.  Looks like an evening hunt is in order to take care of this bad boy...
Big Texas Boar
I am not sure this pig is as big as the black/white one, but he is a haus and needs to be cleaned out.


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