Preparation has officially begun... Part 1

So I went out to the lease to get ready to start the preparations for November.  I took out 16 bags of corn, fresh feeder batteries and one of my game cameras (and a few suprises below).  Spent about 2 hours getting the corn loaded and batteries changed out.  The biggest thing I noticed was how dry it was.  I mean, the trees look like they are already in the late Texas winter (Jan/Feb)... all the leaves are brown, crispy, and falling to the ground.  As I write this, my house 30 min south of my lease is getting rain, so there is hope.

I was at Gander Mountain looking for some food plot help, and they had some mineral licks on sale.  So, I picked up 2 twenty-five pound blocks to put at my main feeders.  I also setup my game camera on the front feeder aimed right at the mineral lick with the feeder in the background.  Now, knowing that there isn't water is a factor, but we'll address that later.

I took some pics of my 2 spots where I setup with filled corn, batteries, and  mineral licks.
Front Feeder (blind #1)

Back Feeder (blind #2)
You can see in both pictures above how dusty it is.  The hogs that have been visiting have stomped it out pretty bad, and the lack of water has only made it worse.  Its also noteworthy that I haven't had a raccoon issue since I upgraded the varmint guards on my feeders... so SCORE.

Next up,
  1. Getting the new game cameras out in the field.  I am going to wait until the heat dies down some more before I do that.  Also, returned for repairs my Bushnell Trophy Cam and Wildgame Innovations IR4C. 
  2. Figuring out how to accomplish the food plot on my front stand where I have about an acre field.
  3. Another blind?  Right now I have 2 permanent blind locations at feeder #1/#2, but I have a hanging feeder as well as 3 or 4 other spots that I could setup a tree stand or use my climber or ground blind.  I do want another box blind however... [sigh]


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