My buddy took a real nice buck this morning

My buddy Mark sat in the stand this morning at our lease.  He has a blind that is less than half mile from my back loop blind.  Around 8:10am a doe walked out and started acting skittish.  A few seconds later this bruiser walks out and gave Mark about 5 seconds to pull the trigger.  He pulled wasn't sure if he hit the deer at all.  He waited a few minutes to begin looking for blood and tracking.  No blood.  There is a trail that leads away from the feeder toward a creek bottom, so he thought that potentially the deer may have headed there for cover.  Sure enough, he was piled up 30-40 yds down that trail!

Nice shot, Mark!  I am jealous that you now have meat in your freezer! 

UPDATE:  I think I got a picture of this boy a few days before Mark took him.  Take a look:


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