Crockett lease... robbed!

Took me a few days to write this, as I am still a bit in shock about it after only being on this lease 4 or 5 weeks... 

I went to the lease this past weekend to do some work, and help my buddy Mark setup a new blind.  When we finally went to my spot to fill feeders, put up a new feeder, etc. we found that I had been robbed!  Initially, I thought the hogs might have knocked over my feeder and it was out of view as we approached, but then we realized it was gone.  Some crook decided to steal one of my low boy feeders full of corn and a Moultrie game camera!

What kind of useless piece of $%#$# does this stuff?  I have been robbed or attempted-to-be-robbed 4 times in that past 2 years (laptop from truck, truck tailgate, truck side door, and feeder/camera) and I am sick of it.  Crime has become such an epidemic, that people no longer steal to cover the basic needs of themselves and their family... its ridiculous.  The feeder was full of 300# of corn... so clearly it wasn't a single person.  Now, admittedly, we currently have a new road into the lease (thanks to a timber company creating an egress from the property) and it does not have a gate on it... but even still, my spot is almost a mile and a half into the woods by 4 wheeler. 

Side note, I stole one time in my life when I was like 5 or 6 years old... a small plastic horse from the toy isle of a grocery store.  When we got home, and my mom saw that I had it, she drove us back to the store and made me hand it to the manager and tell him what I did.  Let's just say I learned my lesson.  Clearly, these people lacked a proper upbringing to educate them on right/wrong and remorse for wrongdoings.  

I apologize for the language, but at the end of the day I hope karma bites these pieces of garbage square in the ass.

The end.


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