Preparation for first Archery season

Well, if you recall, last year I purchased a bow (see post on my Mission by Mathews) in anticipation of using it on our lease... well, that was squashed when the lease was sold.  This year, I am back in business and in the past 3 weeks I have actively gotten the bow sighted in and begun to practice.

I am the first to admit that I am NOT Robin Hood with this thing.  I will also say though that I have practiced and researched technique, and I am improving.  My main focus is to focus on technique and practice as much as humanly possible before the season.  If you have the time, there is tons of information and opinion on how to improve technique and form.  For simplicity's sake, I have condensed it down to these 3 things:
  1. Consistent anchor position.  Each and every time to insure the same sight picture.
  2. Do NOT grab the bow with your hand, but let it lightly rest in your holding hand so as not to torque the bow.
  3. Relax and have fun.
 Again, I am not Robin Hood, but at 20 yards I am feeling better by the day!


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