Crockett lease... UN-robbed!

Long story short:
Wow, what a turn of events.  I got my feeder and camera back (or will next weekend)!!!

Long version:
On Friday, my buddy Mark and I were heading up to Crockett to put some T-posts and barb wire at that entrance road that currently does not have a gate.  About 45 minutes before Mark arrives as my house to ride up, my phone rings.  A gentlemen on the other end introduces himself as a member of our lease.  Turns out that he did not get his money turned into the land owner prior to March (which is in our club by-laws).  So, the land owner filled his spot with me.  Well, he called the land owner to tell him he wanted to be on the lease for the coming season but had missed the deadline.  The landowner told him that was fine, but he had already given his spot away.  The land owner told him that there has been a trespassing thief on the property.  He explained that there wasn't a thief, but that he was on his way to the property a week before, but his truck broke down.  So, he sent his son/friend to pick up his stuff.  Well, the son/friend grabbed MY stuff as they didn't know the difference! 

At the end of the day, we worked it out and I am getting my stuff back, what a relief.  We now have a very pathetic attempt at blocking that road into the camp with some T-posts and cable, but it's better than nothing! 

Now I can focus on what is important...


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